Can an assistant coach help my team win?

Good Day everyone! This is Coach Paul, with you again, with what I truly believe, is a great topic to discuss; Can an assistant coach help my team win? Without a doubt, this is a valid question to pose, and can say a lot about the desire/non-desire that YOU have as your team’s head coach, … Read more

Nepotism In Youth Sports Coaching

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by! I wanted to dive into the subject of nepotism in youth sports coaching. If you are not 100% certain of what the word nepotism means, here is a basic definition: the practice of giving preferential treatment to friends or family members With an understanding of what that definition means, … Read more

Unethical Behavior In Youth Sports Officiating

Unscrupulous Referees, Shady Umpires, Cheating Judges–These three types of individuals who are involved in youth sports, are a coach’s WORST nightmare and they can be a tremendous challenge to deal with throughout your season. As you develop strategies from game to game, to compete against a team of your peers, you simply do not have … Read more

Should I Be A Traveling Youth Coach?

Good day everyone! Coach Paul here, with some sober truths about this topic. Let us start off with some hypothetical observations of your youth coaching career thus far: You’ve gotten a good handful of seasons of coaching under your belt. You feel confident and comfortable with your skills to lead a team in one or … Read more

Where Are The Youth Coaches?

If you have been a youth coach for any significant length of time, have you sometimes noticed that your particular sports league has had difficulty finding coaches to fill their ranks? Have you witnessed league officials asking for assistance from parents and current coaches, to locate viable coaching candidates who are ready to hit the … Read more

Youth Coaching Pitfalls

Hi everyone! Coach Paul here! Today, I will be discussing some common youth coaching pitfalls to avoid, as you work with young people in any given sport. These are stumbling blocks that even the most seasoned coaches can have major problems with, should they not be mindful of them. As a youth coach, it is … Read more

Coaching Mental Toughness In Youth Sports

In today’s world, proving oneself (in particular, young adolescents) to be mentally sharp and mentally tough, can be a tall task to complete. With the many distractions that we are all forced to face on a daily basis, it would appear that we have grown “soft” as a society. Nothing can be closer to that … Read more

Coaching Multiple Sports: Strategies

So…You want to be a youth sports coach in multiple sports? Congratulations! Indeed, this is quite an ambitious and lofty endeavor to pursue, but NOT and impossible one to be sufficiently proficient at doing.  Hi everyone! Coach Paul here! Regardless of whether or not you feel well-versed within different sports disciplines (rules, strategies, skills development … Read more

Physical Fitness In Youth Sports

Hello again! Coach Paul here, with a very important topic to discuss; the physical health of our youth. There is absolutely no mystery that the youth in this country, have come up short, in the realm of physical fitness and overall health. This subject has been the proverbial “elephant in the room” among parents, pediatricians/doctors, … Read more

Youth Sports and Disruptive Players

In youth sports, coaches face a unique set of challenges, in the pursuit of leading a cohesive unit in athletic competition. Arguably, the most difficult of these challenges is managing/dealing with disruptive players. I would define the term “disruptive player” to mean, ‘a player who consistently disrupts the team’s harmony, whether through bad behavior, negative … Read more