The Challenges In Youth Sports Coaching

Introduction In the 21st Century, youth sports coaching has undergone significant changes and has become increasingly challenging over time. It is not as elementary anymore, to navigate the nuances of what it means to be a high quality coach, who is revered by fellow coaches, parents and young athletes. Good day to you all! Coach … Read more

Should I Be A Traveling Youth Coach?

Good day everyone! Coach Paul here, with some sober truths about this topic. Let us start off with some hypothetical observations of your youth coaching career thus far: You’ve gotten a good handful of seasons of coaching under your belt. You feel confident and comfortable with your skills to lead a team in one or … Read more

Physical Fitness In Youth Sports

Hello again! Coach Paul here, with a very important topic to discuss; the physical health of our youth. There is absolutely no mystery that the youth in this country, have come up short, in the realm of physical fitness and overall health. This subject has been the proverbial “elephant in the room” among parents, pediatricians/doctors, … Read more

Youth Sports and Disruptive Players

In youth sports, coaches face a unique set of challenges, in the pursuit of leading a cohesive unit in athletic competition. Arguably, the most difficult of these challenges is managing/dealing with disruptive players. I would define the term “disruptive player” to mean, ‘a player who consistently disrupts the team’s harmony, whether through bad behavior, negative … Read more

Ethics In Youth Coaching

Honestly ask yourself this question…as a coach of youth sports, what would YOU do to help your team win a game? Would you pull out all the stops, to keep your team from losing? These two questions can be very uncomfortable to ask yourself; especially if you have a very competitive personality, in respect to … Read more

Difficult Parents Of Youth Athletes

Have you ever attended a little league game or practice, where the parent(s) of a child on one of the teams, are unruly, rude and just downright disrespectful? I am willing to bet that you have, and there is no doubt that it is an embarrassing spectacle to witness. Even for fellow spectators and players … Read more

Little League Coaching Requirements?

Hello and Happy Memorial Day weekend to you all! Thanks for stopping by! In this post, I will be discussing the important question of, “Do I need any little league coaching requirements to begin coaching?”. This is a very important question, as it can speak to an individual’s confidence in coaching young people, or a lack … Read more

Why do I coach youth sports?

That question can have many positives; perhaps too many to even list here. By default, I view it as a gratifying question to ask yourself, as long as your heart and mind are in the right place. For me, that question allows me to assess and re-assess, as needed, my capabilities as a youth sports … Read more

About Coach Paul – Founder

Hello everyone! My name is Paul (though you can feel free to refer to me as Coach Paul, if you prefer!), creator of the Youth Coaching Tips website and experience.  As a proud father of four children; 2 boys and 2 girls, I have had the immense privilege of coaching each one of them, in … Read more