Negative Circumstances For Youth Sports Coaches

We have all heard the long-used phrase “life isn’t perfect.”. It can also be said that the many predicaments in life that we might find ourselves in, are not at all perfect either. We live under a daily deluge of rights/wrongs coupled with bad decisions and good intentions. At the end of the day, we … Read more

Quizzes And Homework For Young Athletes

Greetings and Salutations, good people! My name is Coach Paul and I welcome you to my little corner of The Internet. Thanks for stopping in! In this post today, we are going to delve into the practice of giving out quizzes and homework (hereafter, will be referred to as “tests” and “assignments”) for young athletes … Read more

Convincing Others To Become Youth Sports Coaches

So…You love being a youth coach! You achieve tremendous gratification and satisfaction from helping young athletes to develop their skills! You feel energized when you impart your sports wisdom onto young minds who are eager to learn! With those positive factors consistently at play as you coach, the one action item that can easily come … Read more

Strategies For Coaching Children With Special Needs

Hello everyone! This is Coach Small! Thanks for your interest in this important question: What are strategies for coaching children with special needs? When coaching children with special needs, it is absolutely vital that you create a strong supportive environment, where they can truly thrive. As a youth coach, it can require quite a bit … Read more

Youth Coaching In Poor And Affluent Communities

For the most part, youth coaches tend to coach in the communities in which they live and/or work. The familiarity of the nuances of the neighborhood, being known and knowing the youth athletes within the community, are important factors that can determine WHERE you will want to coach. There are exceptions to this, of course, … Read more

The Challenges In Youth Sports Coaching

Introduction In the 21st Century, youth sports coaching has undergone significant changes and has become increasingly challenging over time. It is not as elementary anymore, to navigate the nuances of what it means to be a high quality coach, who is revered by fellow coaches, parents and young athletes. Good day to you all! Coach … Read more

Ways To Combat Consistent Losing In Youth Sports

Hi all! This is Coach Paul! Let me ask you something… Show of hands–Who likes to lose…at ANYTHING? I would bet my next two paychecks that no one raised their hand to THAT question. The sheer nature of losing is not part of our DNA. Never has been, never will be. When you take on … Read more

Ramifications of Youth Sports Coaching on Parental Authority

Introduction If you are a parent, then you are well aware of the feelings that can arise within you, when you are under the impression that another individual is attempting to circumvent your influence on your child. Whether the situation involves a mother or a father, parents can become quite protective (and rightfully so, in … Read more

How do I motivate young athletes?

Motivation. This word strikes anxiety in some, fear and loathing in others. Whether you are attempting to motivate someone or trying to motivate yourself to achieve a goal, it is no easy feat. In terms of coaching in youth sports, the additional challenge is attempting to motivate young people to excel in a given sport. … Read more